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Last Updated: 7:15pm
Last Updated: 7:15pm
The rink is a year-round destination venue with a diverse multi-generational captive audience. The summer event season extends from April through October with programming such as public roller skating, monthly movie nights, & more in addition to rental space available for public and private events. The winter ice skating season begins in November and continues through March.
By 1983, when this photo was taken, the railroads that had dominated the city for over 100 years were clearly past their prime. These overgrown and elevated train tracks would soon be removed and those that remained pushed underground. The tunnel that these elevated tracks led to would be closed and the bridge across the Seekonk River on the other side of the tunnel would be raised for the last time.
Historical context courtesy of @pvdnowandthen.
The Providence Rink is owned and managed by the City of Providence.
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Providence, RI 02903